8 Signs Someone Has A Secret Crush On You

Secret Crush

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Are you wondering if you have a secret
admirer are they driving you crazy with all these possible signs that they
like you but you just don't know for sure.

In today's article we'll talk about the telltale indicators of attraction to hopefully make things clearer for you

So here are 8 subtle signs that someone secretly has a crush on you.

1. they act differently around you does
this person act differently around you compared to how they usually are with
other people do you notice a change in their personality whenever you're around perhaps they become more cheerful and talkativ or may be quieter and reserved.

If someone starts acting differently around you that could mean they have a crush on you, they could be feeling flustered and are uncertain about how to behave around you.

The next time you see this person pay close attention to how they usually act and compare it to how they are when they're with you

2. they try to get close to you. do they try to get close to you?
do they simply seem to just like being around you even if they don't have anything to say to you they just like being in close proximity and want to watch you from the corner of their eye maybe they go out of their way.

Just to see you or pretend to run into
you hoping to catch your attention and strike up a conversation this can be especially true if the person who has feelings for you is shy and soft-spoken.

3. They always initiate contact has this
person ever asked you for your number or followed you on social media.

Do they usually text you or call you up
first even if they don't really have anything important to say this can be a clear sign that they're interested in you by reaching out first they are voicing a desire to communicate and keep in touch with you,
they want to get closer to you and spend more time with you because they like you and find you fun and interesting to talk to.

4. You catch them staring at you do they struggle to hold your gaze
and quickly look away or do they let their gaze linger and stare at you when they think you aren't looking both of these things are signs of attraction.

They might have a crush on you but are too nervous or embarrassed to tell you about their feelings.

5. they smile at you a lot do you notice them smiling at you a lot does it happen more for you over others.

It could be a bashful little smile
showing that they are nervous but happy to see you or a wide ear-to-ear grin that conveys their excitement about being around you pay attention to this smile and see if they smile this way only when they see you talk to you or talk about you because it definitely means they feel attracted to you.

6. They compliment you a lot does it seem like this person is paying a lot of close attention to you do they seems impressed by every little thing you do.

If they are dazzled by you and showering you with compliments this can be an easy indication that they are into you seven they keep the conversation going here's one trick.

You can use to try to
see if someone is secretly crushing on you when you're talking to them
disengage from the conversation you can do this subtly by acting distracted
and doing something else like writing packing up your things or talking to someone else in the group.

Gouge how they respond
and if they try to keep up the conversation with you while most people might politely leave the conversation.

Someone who has a crush on you
will likely keep trying to engage with you they are eager for your attention and want to keep speaking with you

8. They make themselves available for you do they say yes to everything you invite them to or ask to hang out with you a lot do they cancel or reschedule appointments just to be with you.

This can mean that you're really important to this person and they want to prioritize their time with you it's a strong indicator that they care for you.

Have you noticed any of these signs from your secret admirer or are you the one showing all these signs unconsciously?

Tell us in the comments below
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Thanks for Reading and we'll see you in our next article.

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