Amazing Facts About Sex

Sexy girl having sex

1. Your partner may be fantasizing about another during sex. According to a study conducted by a British sex toy brand LOVE HONEY nearly half of all women fantasize about other men while in bed. The survey showed 46% of women fantasize about another person during sex with the partner compared to 42 percent of men. However the study surveyed 1,300 straight women so this confession doesn't apply to everyone who identifies as a woman who knows the real reason. Why straight women are thinking of someone else during sex but maybe it's because some of their partners aren't fulfilling their needsin the bed. Besides men lesbians have the mostorgasms.

2. A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine surveyed 6151 single adults by observing the connection between sexual orientation and how many times someone has an orgasm. For men the results aren't surprising straight men climax 85.5% of the time. gay men 84.7% of the time and bisexual men climax seventy seven point six percent however women showed the largest gap lesbianwomen achieved an orgasm the most at 74.7%. Straight women 61.6% of the time and bisexual women 58%. Turns out that women who focus more on oral sex in clitoral stimulation rather than penetration which is more common in a heterosexual relationship. The more they will reach a climax no matter who you are sleeping with get creative in bed and prolonged foreplay. Women are more complex than men when it comes to sex but that's what makes it exciting.

3. Your nipples can give you an orgasm if you like nipple play. Science has some good news for you nipple orgasms fourth nipple orgasms are real and can be achievable for those who aresensitive to touch in that area a brain imaging study fMRI in the Journal of Sexual Medicine showed that a woman's brain lit up with arousal exactly same as it did from stimulation down under and according to Men's Health 29% out of two hundred and thirteen women have experienced one. So science is pretty much saying that playing with a woman's nipples or yours can give women the same tingly feelings as a clitoris

4. Most Americans have an STD researchers at the National Center for Health Statistics found that nearly 42% of healthy Americans between the ages of 18 and 59 have contracted a form of human papillomavirus HPV while that number is alarming most of the strains in the body are harmless and can remain dormant for years or go away completely there is currently no HPV test for men though the news is not the greatest but it's more reason to use condoms or aform of protection when getting busy.

5. Apple's can get you in the mood the crisp and juicy fruit is rumored to keep the doctor away but it can also apparently improve women's sex life. One 2014 study in the Journal of archives of gynecology and obstetrics found that women who ate an apple a day had better overall sexual function and lubrication that women who didn't. Maybe lay off theoysters and opted for an apple instead they smell better.

A couple having sex

6. semen is diet friendly the average calorie intake when swallowing is around 15 to 20 calories per tablespoon however even though your partner may be the semen isn't a substantial snack.

7. Moving the lawn could make you susceptible to diseases. People who like to shave the pubic hair frequently are at a higher risk forsyphilis herpes and HPV. According to doctors at University of California SanFrancisco the study was published in the journal. Sexually transmitted infections and found that people who have shaved at least once or twice as likely to get infected and those who shave frequently are four times as likely shaving any hair from your body causes small tears in the skin and if you're doing the deedright afterward the open wings make it easier for bacteria to get in. Public hair is there for a reason Gunther said it's a mechanical barrier like your eyebrows. It traps bacteria and debris and there could be health consequences to removing it.

 8. Heavier men have more endurance than thin ones. Researchers in Turkey did a year-long study on the relationship between BMI and male sexual performance it turns out that men who have a higher BMI lasts an average of seven point three minutes in bed while smaller men can barely keep it going for 108 seconds. The study says that larger men excess fat developed. More female sex hormones which prolongs reaching the finish line and leaner mens howed a greater chance of premature ejaculation. So while a lean guy may fit the status quo. It looks like larger men win the trophy in the end. 

9. Men fake orgasms two women seem to always receive criticism for faking orgasms. Like it's totally unfathomable but as it turns out men have been faking it too. All along according to Time Out New York's 2014 study more than 30% of men have faked an orgasm. The study is bound by the men walking the streets of New York but we can only take a guess that it's applicable to more than just one city of fish.

10. Six can help fight the common cold feel a cold coming on Have sex, suffering from a headache have sex. Sex has a lot of health benefits like reducing stress improving, your fitness and lifting your mood. It also can boost your immune system to help fight off seasonal bugs congratulationsyou now have a health-related reason to get it on more often.

11. Men in the US have average sized penises. Men's penises in the US are on average 5 inches long landing in the middle of the spectrum compared to other countries. France takes the cake with some of the largest penises erecting at 6.2 inches in South Korea with the smallest at 3.6 inches. Something to keep in mind is penis size doesn't matter all that much it's all about how you use it that count.

12. A man's ejaculate contains millions of sperm when a man ejaculates each teaspoon of fluid contains around 300 to 500 million sperm and in a biggerpicture in two weeks a man produces enough of the little guys to impregnate every fertile woman on earth. So if you're trying to not get pregnant contraceptives should be your best friend.

13. Using Lube increases your chances of having an orgasm. Multiple studies have shown that using Lube increases your chance of having an orgasm especially for women. Some of the best lubes are natural and simply enhance your experience while others provide totally new sensations don't have name-brand lubrication on hand check your kitchen cabinets or go to cooking and moisturizing fave coconutoil is also all natural antifungal and great at providing long-term lubrication.

A couple having sex

14. women have longer-lasting orgasms than men. The average male orgasm lasts 6seconds while the average female orgasm lasts 20 seconds. 

So that's it for today. If you have already known about some of these facts so mention in the comments. And also tell us that which fact you found interesting.

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