10 Ways to Be More Attractive to Guys

Beautiful Girl

Girls are constantly striving to be more attractive to guys, but it isn’t always an easy 
task. There are plenty of things that can make you more attractive to guys, though, and 
these 10 tips will get you started on the right track towards being the most attractive 
girl out there!

1) Use the Power of the Lipstick


Women often think that being more attractive means reducing fat, eliminating blemishes, 

or sculpting a better body. But if you want men to see you as attractive, it’s not about 

how your waistline looks in jeans or how smooth your face is (because men don’t notice 

these things). It’s about making good choices for your health and beauty. Men are drawn 

to healthy, beautiful women because it means they’ll have children who are also healthy 

and beautiful

2) Don’t try too hard

Girl With Flower

If you want to be an attractive woman, it’s important not to try too hard.  Telling your guy how handsome he is and following him around like a puppy dog won’t score you any points in his book—he’ll just think you’re desperate. Being playful and having fun will go a long way when it comes to being attractive. This doesn’t mean that you should be flirty with every man that crosses your path; it means that there are some men out there who will appreciate these qualities more than others. It might take some time to find them, but once you do, they’ll make all of your efforts worthwhile.

3) One thing at a time

Girl With Healthy Food

Take care of your health, and focus on your skin. Many guys find unhealthy girls unattractive,
but if you’re healthy and have a good skincare routine it can add 10 years to your
appearance. Healthy hair and nails are important too! I highly recommend using coconut
oil for both its moisturizing effects on the skin and for its many other uses.
It works well as a hair conditioner or styling product that helps tame frizziness.

4) Smile naturally and often

Girl Smiling In Park
Smile whenever you can; it will do wonders for your mood and self-confidence. Plus, if you’re
smiling naturally and often, you’ll look more attractive! And don’t forget about that
skincare routine. The secret to great skin is a simple regimen of daily cleansing,
toning, moisturizing, and SPF—even when you sleep! That way, no matter what time of
day it is or what kind of natural light you find yourself in, your skin will always
be glowing. It’s easy to fall into a beauty rut (especially as an adolescent), but just
because something worked last year doesn’t mean it works now. Your skin changes over time
so make sure you keep up with new products that are designed specifically for teens like

5) Know when it is appropriate to wear makeup

Girl Doing Makeup

Wearing makeup is a lot like going out with a cute outfit. If you’re going to wear makeup,
you have to know what’s appropriate and when it is appropriate. The same goes for when it
isn’t okay (ie: not at school). It can be tough navigating these dating waters. Makeup can
help girls look more attractive, but only if they wear it in moderation. For example, a
little bit of mascara can make your eyes pop without being over-the-top. But too much
mascara might give off an eye-rolling vibe that could turn guys off. And don’t forget
about blush! A touch of blush on your cheeks can give you that natural glow that makes
guys swoon! However, blush should never be too dark or heavy; otherwise, it might seem
like you’re trying too hard to impress someone.

6) It doesn’t take much makeup to look pretty

Girl With Heavy Makeup

For a fresh-faced look, avoid heavy makeup and opt for natural shades of lipstick. If you
do wear makeup, go for clear mascara; volumizing mascaras can come off looking clumpy and
fake. The best part about light makeup is that it won’t take much time to apply in the
morning, leaving you more time for your daily regimen. When applying makeup, use a
foundation or tinted moisturizer with SPF 15 or higher. You should also wear sunscreen
every day—even if you don’t plan on going outside! You can even get some vitamin D from
sitting by your window at home. And remember: Don’t be afraid to smile! Research shows
that smiling makes us feel happier and also helps others see us as more attractive.

7) Practice makes perfect so keep trying

The more you try, at least some of those attempts will go better than others. Keep practicing
new things and learn from your failures—you’ll never be less than perfectly imperfect!
Laugh at yourself: If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. We all make mistakes sometimes, so
why not laugh about it? It takes a lot of pressure off you when you realize that most
people don’t expect perfection. Have confidence in yourself: You are awesome just as you
are right now. Even if it doesn’t seem like it right now, there is something great about
every single person on Earth (including yourself). So believe in that greatness and let
it shine through!

8) Don’t forget the eyebrows!

Amazingly Beautiful Eyebrows

Eyebrows are often overlooked when it comes to our grooming regimen, but they play a huge
role in how attractive we look. Most people have no idea how powerful eyebrows can be.
Tweezing your eyebrows regularly and plucking out excess hairs are all part of keeping
them well-groomed. But you can also maximize their appearance by making sure they match
your eye color and hair color as closely as possible—this will highlight your facial features
more than you might think!

9) Wear what you like, not what other people want you to wear

Wearing what you like will make you more comfortable, which in turn makes other people like
you more. This is an indirect effect, but it still works. Nobody wants to spend time with
a woman who doesn’t feel good about herself. If you want to be attractive, wear clothes
that reflect your personality and your style. If your style is I don’t have one, that’s fine
too—but do try something new every once in a while! Even if you don’t end up liking it,
wearing something new will help keep things fresh and interesting for yourself.

10) Don't Try to OverDo Yourself

If you’re trying too hard, there’s a chance that you will come off as desperate, which is
unattractive. So when it comes to flirting and dating, let your confidence shine through
instead of worrying about what outfits or beauty tricks will get a guy’s attention. You
might think your big hair and bright lipstick make you look like a glamorous movie star,
but chances are he thinks they just look cheesy and overdone.

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