Are you tired of being seen as just a nice
guy by women that you like? If so, then you need to figure out how to
escape the friend zone. Today, I want to share with you the exact
same advice that I give to our clients in our social skills coaching program. This stuff works so make sure you stick around until the very end.

How to not get into Friend Zone

First of all, what is the friend zone?

It's basically a situation where one person has expressed romantic interests towards someone that they have a friendship with. The only problem is, it wasn't reciprocated because the feeling wasn't mutual. Those who get stuck in the friend zone usually share the same limiting belief. They think that if they do enough favors for women that they like, they'll eventually want to go out with them. If you can relate to that, then you know that's just not how things work. That being said, here are 10 actionable tips that you can implement right away. Alright, let's get into it.

Tips For How to not get into Friend Zone

Tip #1 Have your own life

When a girl meets a guy for the first time,
she's trying to categorize him. She's assessing if he's going to be a potential romantic interest or just another friend. Those who don't know how to escape the friend zone make the mistake of being way too available. As a result, women don't value them as much because they're always around. For example, whenever the person they're into texts them, they respond right away. They'll even cancel their own plans just to make time to hang out with her. If you're doing this, you need to distance yourself for a little bit. For now, create some space and just do your own thing. Give the woman that you like the opportunity to miss you. That’s why it’s so important to be involved in various hobbies and interests. You need to have your own life and not be so focused on wanting to be in a relationship. Keep pursuing your passion and spend more time on things that excite you. When you do, you'll naturally make yourself less available. You won't be obsessing about any particular person because your mind will be preoccupied with other things that you enjoy. If you want to become more attractive to women, keep doing things that bring you happiness. Prioritize your needs and keep making yourself
a better person.

Tip #2 Assess your situation

it's hard to make an objective decision when you're infatuated with someone. If you want to know how to escape the friend zone, you need to figure out if it's worth the risk. The last thing you want is to tell someone you like her only to realize that she may not be a good fit for you. You can't just keep telling yourself you want a girlfriend without clarifying what you're looking for in a potential partner first. To help you get started, begin to identify your must have’s and deal breakers in a romantic relationship. Once you have those things written down, organize your list in order of importance. And then, really take a good look at the person that you're interested in. That way, you can see if it's worth potentially jeopardizing your friendship. By assessing your situation more objectively, you can be more strategic with whatever decisions
you make.

Tip #3 Own your desires

you're so concerned about other people's opinions of them. They feel like they can't be themselves around someone that they have a crush on. As a result, they stifle their personality and suppress their romantic intentions. They become overly polite around women they find attractive and their conversations sound
very normal. If you can relate to that, then you need to take responsibility for how you feel and do
something about it. At some point, if you're talking to someone you're interested in, she has to know that you actually like her. You have to care more about what you think and be bold enough to take a chance. That being said, a couple of things can happen. You either find out that the person you like feels the same way about you. Or she doesn't and things might become awkward for a bit. Either way, as you can see, the worst case scenario isn't all that bad, right? Moreover, telling a female friend that you have feelings for her doesn't have to ruin the friendship. You just have to be okay with whatever the outcome is.
Remember, nothing is guaranteed. But if you never speak up and take action, you'll always wonder what could've happened. If you keep doing that, then you'll live a life with a lot of regrets.

Tip #4 Raise your self-esteem.

Let me ask you a question. How can you expect any woman to be attracted to you if you don't feel like you're good enough for them? In order to figure out how to escape the friend zone, you need to learn how to like yourselves as well. One of the best confidence building exercises that I know is to think of what you appreciate
about yourself. All you have to do is to grab a sheet of paper and make a list of all your positive traits. When you do this consistently long enough, you'll notice that you'll start to feel more comfortable in your own skin. You'll stop putting women on a pedestal because you'll see yourself as on the same level as them. As a result, you'll feel less intimidated talking to someone that you're attracted to and act more like yourself around them.

Tip #5 Work on your appearance

Most guys who don't do well with women fail to put any effort into how they look because they think it's superficial. They tell themselves that their appearance doesn't matter and it's their personality that counts. But if you think about it, you’re a lot more inclined to get to know someone because you find them attractive, right? From what I've seen, women may not notice you if you don't look like someone worth getting to know. Whether you like it or not, your appearance really does make a difference. If you're anything like me and you're not genetically gifted, it's not the end of the world. There are still a lot of things that you can do to make yourself more attractive. For example, you can improve your physique by lifting weights and eating healthier foods. You can start wearing clothes that are clean and that fit you well. You can groom yourself by showering regularly, brushing your teeth and shaving your face. You can also work on your non-verbal communication by standing up straight, making eye contact, and smiling.The key here is to focus on what's within your control and not worry about things that you can't change. Taking care of your appearance communicates to others that you pay attention to details. When you treat yourself well, women are a lot more likely to do the same.

Tip #6 Set your boundaries

If you want to know how to escape the friend zone, you also need to learn how to stop people pleasing. Don't just go with the flow and be so agreeable all the time.  Develop your assertiveness by having your own opinions on things and saying what's on your mind. That’s why you have to make an effort to get to know yourself better. not, then you’ll be easily influenced by those around you. My advice is to take the time to define what your goals, values, and preferences are. Ask yourself what’s important to you, what makes you happy, and what you want to do with your life. By increasing your level of self-awareness, you'll know when your boundaries are being crossed. That way, you'll be able to prevent anybody from walking all over you. When you know how to stand up for yourself, women will respect you and be more attracted to you.

Tip #7 Learn how to flirt

Those who never figured out how to escape the friend zone are so afraid of offending someone that they like. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you should put women down to make yourself feel good. But you shouldn't be afraid to joke around and bust their chops either. By learning how to flirt with women, you'll be able to tease them in a playful way. When you can banter well during your interactions, the person you're into will feel a lot closer to you. Being able to do so assumes a sense of rapport between the two of you. Remember, attraction is an emotional process Women care more about how you make them feel than what you do for them. That's why you have to be able to make fun of them but with positive intentions. In order to make this work, I want you to imagine how you would tease people who are close to you. Keep that in mind the next time you interact with someone that you like. If you want women to see you as a potential romantic partner, stop being so logical all the time. Put in the effort and learn how to be funny.that way, you'll be able to lighten the mood and make anybody feel good when they're around you.

Tip #8 Make physical contact

If you're wondering how to escape the friend zone, you need to break the touch barrier.You have to be able to establish a physical connection with someone that you like But you have to do this the right way. If not, then you'll come across as creepy and make women feel awkward around you. The best way to make physical contact is to touch in context. For example, instead of shaking hands, give someone you like a hug. You can tap her in the arm lightly to make a point when you're telling a story. You can also put your hand on the middle of her back to lead her from one place to another. Do you see how that works? That being said, if you noticed that the person you're interested in doesn't feel comfortable being touched, back off right away. Always be empathetic and respect her physical space.

Tip #9 Treat Everyone The Same

Most guys who struggle in dating make the mistake of giving the women that they like special treatment. They'll buy them stuff and do things for them. They'll shower them with praises even though they've done nothing to earn it. Like I said earlier, they have this erroneous belief that if they're nice enough to women, they'll inevitably see them as a catch. They'll be romantically interested in them and will want to start dating. That might be what they're thinking. Unfortunately, most women will just assume  that you're being friendly to them. If you're wondering how to escape the friend zone, you need to treat everyone equally. And that includes the person that you're attracted to. Whenever you feel inclined to do something extravagant for someone, ask yourself if you would do that same thing for a friend? If not, then you probably shouldn't do it. This is especially true if your intention is to get the person that you like to be interested in you. Not only is this a waste of time but you're also setting yourself up to be disappointed.

How to not get into Friend Zone

Tip #10 Keep meeting other women

As a social skills coach, I've worked with a lot of shy introverts in the past. Because they don't really go out much, they have limited opportunities to interact with people in general. That's why they have a scarcity mindset, especially with regards to dating. As a result, they tend to fall for any woman easily. They just don't know when they'll have another chance to meet another one If you're wondering how to escape the friend zone, you also need to figure out how to be more outgoing. Remember, you have to get comfortable talking to women that you like if you want them to be attracted to you. In order for that to happen, you need to get good at having conversations with people you don't know as well. By putting yourself out there more, you'll learn how to meet a girl if you're shy and have more abundance in your dating life.That being said, I recommend you go out and socialize a few times per week on a consistent basis. Not to mention, when the person that you're interested in discovers that you're talking to other women, she'll see you as a man of options. That could change how she sees you and potentially find you more desirable.Remember, this is not about playing games and making your crush jealous. At end of the day, you have to be willing to move on if the girl that you like doesn't feel the same way about you.

Which one of these tips are you going to implement
Are you going to learn how to flirt or are
you going to work on meeting other women?

Alright, that's it for me for now and I'll
see you in the next video.

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