How To Get Six Pack Abs At Home

How to get six packs abs

Home Exercises To Get Get Six Pack Abs

You don't have to go to the gym to get a perfect six pack. Pick the right exercises and you can easily have an effective workout at home. You won't even need special equipment, just an exercise mat and a pair of dumbbells or any other weight. Let's get started.

Stomach Standing Bicycle Crunches

This exercise will train your abdominal and oblique muscles strengthen your core and work your rotational muscles. Stand straight with your feet hip width apart and your hands behind your head, raise your right leg bent at the knee and lower your left elbow toward the knee. Your core has to be tight and your back straight repeat this exercise five times for each side.


Get yourself an exercise mat and lie down on your back bend your legs and raise them so that your calves are parallel to the floor straighten your right leg and move it toward the floor as if you were drawing a circle. Continue with the left leg move it like you do while pedaling a bicycle start with five reps and add several more each time you workout.

Splinter Sit-Ups

Start the exercise by lying on your back sit up abruptly bringing your right knee to your chest and swinging your left arm forward return to the initial position and repeat the same thing for your left knee and right arm do it for 10 tmes each leg starting with your right one.


Lie down on your back place your hands underneath your hips and lift your head off the ground from this position raise your right leg as high as you can while keeping your left leg hovering just off the ground then change legs repeat this exercise 16 times 8 for each leg.

Side Bends

This exercise targets the outer lining of your abdominals making your obliques work like there's no tomorrow. You'll need a couple of dumbbells here grab one in either hand and stand straight feet shoulder width apart hold your arms slightly tense hanging at your hips bend your upper body to the right until you feel some tension in your side hold this position for a second or two and go back up then repeat the motion to the left.

Straight Leg Drops

Lie on your back with your arms by your side and extend your legs straight over your hips, lower your legs to the ground one by one but only touch the floor with your heels. Your legs have to be straight don't hurry the slower you bring your heels down the better workout. Your lower abs get this exercise targets your lower body making it more stable.

Awkward Airplane

Get down on your hands and knees slowly lift your left leg until it's parallel to the floor and stretch your right arm forward move your leg and arm to the side hold that pose for three seconds. Now put your arm and leg back on the floor and switch to the other side remember to keep your back straight. Start with five reps adding five more when you feel stronger.

Russian Twists

Sit on the floor with your knees bent your feet slightly above the floor and you're back off the ground at 45 degrees your arms should be locked together and held away from your body in this position swing your arms from side to side in a twisting motion 20 times.

The Classic Plank

Position yourself on the exercise mat with only your toes and forearms touching the floor keep your torso rigid it has to form a straight line from your toes to the back of your head stay in this position for 30 seconds. This is a super effective multi purpose exercise. It strengthens your abdominal muscles and improves your core performance.

Plank: Knees to Elbows

Take the same position you had while doing the classic plank and start moving your knees up to your chest one at a time one knee up to your elbow then back to the floor then the other knee. Do 10 repetitions on each side this plank variation helps to strengthen your abdominal muscles core and shoulders. It also improves your balance and trains your legs.

Sliding Pike

Before continuing on with this exercise make sure the floor is smooth and not carpeted. If you don't have professional sliders use paper plates or some kitchen linen. Start in a plank position with your arms straight slowly raise your hips and pull your toes up towards your hands don't bend your knees your body should look like an inverted letter V. Hold this pose for two to three seconds and go back to the initial position.


Sit with your legs and arms stretched straight ahead and your shoulders moved back start to lean back keeping your abs as tight as possible. Once you begin to shake that's when an earthquake begins stay in this position for as long as you can. This exercise mostly targets your abs, it also helps to train your lower back and hip.

Flexors Roll Up

Lie down on your back with your arms stretched overhead and your legs straight lift your arms off the floor first then your shoulders start rolling up to a sitting position and back to the lying one your movements have to be slow one vertebra at a time it'll engage your muscles much more do 10 repetitions of this set. This exercise is a multi-purpose one it tones not only your abs but also your hip flexors it stretches your back and hamstrings as well.

Rolling Like A Ball

Sit down and hug your shins with your hands at the ankles drop your shoulders and widen your back lift your feet off the floor and check if you can keep your balance. Pull your lower abs in and roll back but be very careful not to land on your neck then strain your abdominal muscles and return to the initial position repeat this exercise 10 times.

Advanced Leg Raises

Lie down on the floor with your arms stretched along your body raise your straight legs up until your feet are pointing at the ceiling. Make sure your lower abs do the job not your pelvis or hips hold this position for a second or two then lower your legs back down don't let your heels touch the floor. Theyneed to hang an inch above the ground. It'll engage your core and lower abs more.

Super Advanced Leg Raises

For doing a more advanced version of leg raises you'll need a chin up bar. If you have one at home hang on it with your legs straight lift them up to the 90 degree angle engaging your abs then lower your legs back down. Do everything in a slow and controlled way don't let your body wiggle when you lift your legs core.


Get yourself a light weighted bar or a long stick take the bar and put it across your shoulders behind your neck and lean your body forward at a 90 degree angle don't bend at the waist you risk damaging your lower back. Twist your upper body to the right reaching your right foot with the left end of the bar. Repeat the same motion on the other side. If you can't do it at first don't worry you'll do it better with time.

Frog Kicks

It's another exercise that targets your lower abs sit on the floor with your legs slightly bent at the knees put your hands on the floor a bit behind you with your fingers looking forward lean back while balancing on your pelvis. Raise your bent legs move your knees toward your chest then straighten your legs again try not to touch your heels to the floor.

Advanced Frog Kicks

An advanced version of this exercise involves a chin up bar hang on it and strain your arms to hold your body still bend your knees and use your lower abs to pull them toward your chest or as high as you can.

The Crab Toe Touches

It's one of the best cardio moves to train your lower abs glutes and hamstrings. It also helps to develop impressive core, strength and boost your metabolism. Sit down with your knees bent your feet together and your hands behind you lift your hips off the floor kicking your right leg up and touching your right foot with your left hand. Repeat the same movement for your left leg and right arm.

Mountain Climber

This exercise works your glutes quadriceps hamstrings and core muscles. Start in a high plank with your hands shoulder-width apart and your legs extended draw your right knee to your chest go back to the initial position and do the same with your left leg keep switching legs and make sure to keep your back flat.

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