The  How Many Steps Do We Need A Day

Walking Steps

Health Myths - You Think Are True

You take your dog for three walks jog to mars and back with a detour for coffee and it's still not enough you put on a head lamp and run to your favorite grocery store at 1am finally around halfway there your smartwatch rewards you with a confetti shower you have reached your 10 000 steps daily goal. Turns out that number isn't the product of many years of research but of a marketing campaign arranged before the 1964 Tokyo summer olympics a clock company was selling a pedometer the name of which translated into 10 000 steps meter. They probably chose that number because when you write it in Japanese it looks like a walking person. An average person takes about three thousand to six thousand steps a day. Add thirty minutes of exercise that equals to an extra three thousand steps. You've almost reached that ten thousand goal if you can't do it for health for other reasons and it happens all the time it could put you down emotionally.


If you're fit enough to do more seeing the indicator at 10000 could discourage you from going further so don't care about that made up number that much, since everyone is different and has their own lifestyle. Ten thousand steps could be more than enough for you to stay healthy and not nearly enough for your best friend. The most recent research from Harvard Medical School has shown that women who walked around 4500 steps daily lived longer. The more steps they made the better it was for their health but it leveled off at around 7500 steps a day. Health experts recommend adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per week like brisk walking or swimming or 75 minutes of vigorous activity like running or dance, cardio class, Walking should be part of that activity but not the only time diversity will bemore beneficial for your health and walking with no joy, trying to get the 10000 steps.


Mark now be sure you don't spend too much time sitting people who sit 13 hours a day or longer get zero benefits from one hour of any exercise their overall activity level is just too low so if you have a sedentary lifestyle you need more than 10000 steps daily to make up for it. Somehow you really don't need 10 hours of sleep every day everyone is different and you could need more or less than that depending on your individual circadian rhythm it's your 24 hour internal clock that can be hours off from someone else's. Seven to nine hours of sleep a day is the recommended amount but you should try to get as much as you need to feel healthy don't overdo it though. 

Deodorant - Beautiful Girl

The best time to apply deodorant isn't in the morning so now they tell me you'd be better off to put it on clean and dry skin after an evening shower this way it'll have enough time to settle in while you're sleeping the aluminum compounds in it will clog your sweat glands so it won't fade away even when you shower the next morning.

Eating Eggs - Girl And Boy

Eating eggs won't do your heart any harm, yolks do contain cholesterol but one egg a day isn't dangerous plus they are rich in nutrients like omega-3s that lower the risk of heart disease it's the mix of fats from other foods you eat that you should watch out for. To stay healthy cold weather alone can't give you a cold it can even boost your immune system when temperatures drop. You're morelikely to stay indoors where germs spread easier plus most people lack sunlight and vitamin D which helps you stay healthy.

Pulling one gray hair won't make two or more hairs grow in its place every follicle can only grow one hair in it the hairs around it won't turn white until their cells stop producing pigment. If you want to get rid of gray hair carefully use scissors on it plucking can be too much trauma for your follicles.


You don't really have to eat breakfast to lose weight if you like it it can help you beat off hunger and resist unhealthy snacks throughout the day and you'll lose weight. If you can't stand eating a big meal in the morning skip it, it won't make you overeat at lunch or dinner.

Toilet Seat

If you don't cover a toilet seat it, won't make you sick right away, most germs can't survive on its cold solid surface. Anyway it's the bathroom doors and door handles that you better contact through a paper towel.

Cracking your knuckles won't give you arthritis the creaking cracking and popping sounds you hear is a gas bubble that forms between the bones in the fluid that cushions your joints so keep on cracking them as long as you don't feel any pain.

Eating six meals a day won't help you lose weight, it can even make you want to crave more food and get more calories than you need. If you don't have time to prepare some healthy snacks or can't control your portion sizes sticking to a three meal plan will bebetter for you.

Bed time

Working out before bedtime doesn't ruin sleep. A moderate intensity training at least one hour before bed won't affect your sleep quality or duration it does increase your body temperature and heart rate but those changes are minimal. Gentle yoga stretching and steady state aerobic exercise can even help you fall asleep faster and sleep better.

Sunlight - Yellow Leaf

Natural sunlight isn't a safer alternative to tanning beds both of them emit uv rays that damage your skin and cause its premature aging and more serious conditions. If you want to look tan and stay safe go for one of the sunless tanning products.

You don't need any diets ,juices or treatments to cleanse or detox your body it's capable of getting rid of harmful substances on its own. The best way to help it is to take good care of your liver and kidneys that work like filters in your system to do it. Avoid processed and packaged foods limit sugary and fatty foods and drink plenty of water..

There's nothing magical about 6 pm. When it comes to weight loss your body doesn't care what time it is but it cares what you're eating you're more likely to snack on junk food that's crazy full of calories in the evening. Don't starve yourself before bed get a small protein snack or some whole grains to keep your metabolism going. Natural sweeteners aren't any better if not worse than regular sugar. Brown sugar honey maple syrup and agave nectar have plenty of empty calories and barely any nutrients in them. That's why you should watch your sugar intake in any of its forms.


Carrots won't give you any superpowers like night vision. You get a good amount of vitamin A from them it helps the eye convert light into a signal that goes into your brain. You need to consume vitamin A with fat so it can work fully. So carrots help maintain eyesight but they can't improve vision. Still you never see rabbits wearing glasses.

Canned foods do have nutritional value they can be a good sub for fresh fruits and vegetables off season. They're made of peak season produce that's canned within hours they normally have no more than one percent sodium and two percent added sugars and it's in within safe amounts. Even culinary pros use canned foods when cooking.

Your hair can't get too used to a shampoo you've been using for a while. If it stops giving you the results it once did it could be the condition of your hair or your health and hormone levels that has changed. It also happens when the weather goes from hot and dry to cold and damp and vice versa if you're traveling. You can blame a different quality of water too.

Coffee Art

Coffee doesn't cause Osteoporosis and can't really stunt anyone's growth your genes determine how tall you'll grow. Coffee doesn't link to any other scary medical conditions either it only temporarily increases your blood pressure a little.

Shaving your hair doesn't make it grow faster or thicker. It makes its tips more blunt when it grows back it feels coarser and seems darker or thicker that's why it becomes more noticeable you gain weight after 40. Because your  metabolism slows down your metabolism actually gets slower even after 30, but that change of rate is minimal people tend to gain weight as they grow older, because they generally get less and less active. if you eat healthy food and work out regularly your hormone balance and metabolism will be okay.

Eating Sugae

Eating sugar doesn't actually cause diabetes. When you're eating carbs including sugary foods and starches you digest them into glucose. It's the main energy source, insulin lowers glucose level and helps it travel into the cells. problems with your immune system or pancreas cause diabetes and not sugar. The best way to prevent it is to watch your weight and avoid too much fatty food. 

You don't have to clean your ears with cotton swabs. they only push the earwax deeper and deeper down the ear canal. When it gets too deep there's no way to get it out of the ear, cotton swabs can also puncture your eardrums and cause hearing loss. Remember you don't need to remove earwax manually because you have a natural cleaning system in the ear canal.

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