How To Approach A Guy

Sexy Couple

In this article i'm going to be telling you the five-step process i teach that gets the hot guys talking to you.

So you can get the hot guys wherever you are talking to you it's lots of fun.

I'm going to tell a story of how a woman did it to me and then show you the breakdown the exact step-by-step process she used.

So you can have those results as well.

The five steps to making the hot guy approach you so on this particular day i went to the supermarket and i decided you know what today i'm going to push my comfort zone.

I'm going to see if there's any attractive women here, i'm going to road test what i teach.
Today i'm going to get back into the habit of doing it.
I'm going to be open to meeting someone today so i head to the produce the produce section the best place to meet someone and i'm moving through that section and i see down on the left a woman with auburn hair at the broccoli section.

start moving towards her and she goes over towards the deli moves herself over there i think okay i can do this so i wander on over and i kind of uh meandered near her because i had to buy some chicken and the deli stuff comes over and i thought all right this is perfect she's looking at the deli cheese.

I'm looking at this i'll be able to start a conversation here somehow what do i say, i was a little lost and i thought okay you know what just do.

Comment on something in the environment the person comes over and says which of us is first and i motion towards her and then i throw a comment to her about cheese.

How good is cheese that was my opening line, she uh
she looked up, she smiled a little bit
not really she acknowledged it but that was about it she kind of went back towhat she was doing and didn't really respond.

So she wasn't going to talk to me but that was okay i'd done it.

So i was chuffed i've done it i get my chicken go around the rest of the store and i'm turning a corner right at the back of the store and right as i'm doing it this woman passes me.

These big green eyes hit me and almost in slow motion for seconds it must have been like three four five seconds this woman walks past me holds eye contact and then keeps going i am stunned.

Okay this woman's giving me the green lights this is what i talk about, so i'm here getting my margarine thinking jesus christ what do i do next, i decide to head back down towards the vegetables and kind of position myself somewhere to see if i could see her again so meander pretending i have a dog buying dog food.

I don't have a dog and just when i think that i'm out of i'm i don't have to do this i think she's wandered away it's not going to happen she's gone.

She shows up near the chocolate section which is in the corner it's in an awkward corner that you wouldn't usually go to and she's just meandering there at this point she's written it on her forehead she wants me to talk to her she's put herself in position she's shown an open energy i'm i'm it's very obvious now.

Anyway we both end up heading to the registers and i decided to grab the self checkout register next to her again i'm going all right i need something simple to say here just something friendly and normal.

What would I say to a friend the register next to me on the other side happens to go red and i make a joke about the registers break into the cashier and then bring her in on the joke.

We started chatting the ice had been broken, she was enthusiastic she was smiling and we end up heading outside and exchanging details and eventually we catch up on a date, eventually it was a few days later.

It turns out that we didn't work as a couple we weren't compatible in that way but we're still very good friends and there's a woman that still adds a lot of value to my life.

We still chat pretty regularly, so this woman had gotten me over my and got me to approach her and i want to break down exactly what she did because what she did was essentially the perfect example that you can use in any environment to get the guy you want talking to you.

Whether it's an environment where you know the person a class a a social function a networking event something like that or a completely cold environment like a shopping center. You can use this five-step process that sheused to get the guy approaching you.

Sexy Couple

Step number one green lights

Green lights are all about your smile and your eye contact when i first walked past her, her eye contact and her smile were unmistakable,
absolutely unmistakable.

It was like being i was like a deer in headlights moment hit me held eye contact and smiled it was very very obvious that she was open to a conversation with me which brings me to step number two.

O - P - E - N

Step number two (O) open

So in step number two her energy when she made smile and eye contact it was an open energy she wasn't closed off.

she had her hands down she had a chin up i could tell she was open to a conversation.

You can do it right now all you do is walk past your computer screen a couple of times pretending that it is the hottest most intimidating guy you've ever seen in your life.

Imagine you walk past a child or a grandmother with a really interesting story or someone that you are genuinely open and curious about you'd love to know more.

I really want to know how your day is going? i really want to know what you're about? i really want to know what makes you tick? i say to most of my friends.

I want you to walk past the computer screen with that energy that open vibe that really i'm curious about you vibe and in fact i challenge you to do it now.

Walk past the screen with a really open energy and if you're like most of my Friends what you'll notice is that you're smiling. You're looking at the screen.

You'll find that you have a lot more interaction with that person and this is exactly what this woman shanice did to me.

She walked past with such an open energy that i knew she was open to having a conversation with me.

That's why when i was at the margarine i knew that if i was to talk to her i'd get a good response and that is one of the most important things you must communicate if you want a guy especially a guy that doesn't know you to talk to you.

Step number three (P)

P proximity right i had my own come up and i almost didn't go and talk to her but she gave me proximity she put herself in a position near me.

It wasn't just the openness she circled back to give me the opportunity to lead that conversation by her putting herself in proximity to me it made it really obvious.
She wanted me to talk to her.

Step four is E

WHICH is enthusiasm when i did open the conversation she had a great light energy she was enjoying it you can see she was in a good space throughout her day.

She was enthusiastic she didn't sort of hide away from it she could you could tell by the volume the tone that it was uh it was an enthusiastic conversation.

She was enthusiastic to talk to me and iknew that was going to happen even before she'd said a word that enthusiasm for life for the conversation should come across when the guy is thinking about meeting you.
And when he wants to talk to you and number five.

Step number five (N)

No result needed right this is a big one because we put pressure on ourselves we put pressure on ourselves this outcome needs to go well this guy's really hot.

This has to happen as soon as you put pressure on yourself you lose the present moment and you lose your enthusiasm.

It's the combination of enthusiasm E with no result needed N that gets you talking without having to get anything from the conversation.

So those are the five steps demonstrated perfectly by this woman.

This step-by-step process is everything you need to meet any guy you want anytime.

Remember start with your green lights you must practice your open energy.

Step Number two the oh that's incredibly important and then get proximity show enthusiasm and No result needed.

Once you've done that you'll be getting the hot guy whenever and wherever you want to approach you.

I'd love to hear now from you have you tried this let me know in the comments box below.

How did it go for you did it work did it not work, place it all in the comments box below. 

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