43 Facts About US Even Most Americans Don't Know

Facts About USA

Hidden Facts About USA

With a population of only 730 000 alaska is home to almost 8 000 pilots. That's more than one percent of the entire state. There are six times more pilots and 16 times more aircraft per person than in the rest of the country. It might seem strange for most people but flying is a big part of life in alaska despite being the biggest state in america bigger than the next three biggest states combined. It has one of the smallest networks of roads in the country only twenty percent of the land is accessible by road so having a boat or a plane makes it a lot easier to get from point a to point being less build up has its advantages as well. Though Alaska has 16 national parks. More than 12000 rivers and around a hundred thousand glaciers.

If you want to get closer to nature alaska would be an incredible place to visit. You can even see the aurora borealis there when most people think of the coast they imagine golden beaches and palm trees but Alaska actually has the most coastline in america no other state even comes close with alaska having five times as much coastline as second place florida alaska has the lowest population density it has such a small population relative to its size that if manhattan had the same density of people only 16 people would live there.

New York City

Now New York City is far smallerthan alaska in terms of geographical size but more people live there than in almost forty other states there are more than twenty seven thousand people in one square mile of the city hey speaking of other states only one letter doesn't appear in any state name really arizona produces so much cotton every year. They can make two t-shirts for every american out there. The empire state building is so big it even has its own zip code 10118 it's like a city of its own if you're on the street and somebody drops a penny from the top of the empire state building no worries the faster it falls the more air resistance increases so it won't reach a speed high enough to cause much harm it still might sting a little though.

Scientists discovered a unique species

of ant that only live in new york city they were found in just one 14 block strip they've been nicknamed Manhattans sounds like one of my puns but no i can't claim credit the united states. First ever commercial passenger flight happened in 1914 it took just 23 minutes and only traveled a short distance within florida from St Petersburg to Tampa yet people paid 400 bucks for the luxury which would be 8500 today the oldest city in the us that has been continuously inhabited is saint augustine florida it was founded in 1565.

Mount everest is famous for being the tallest mountain in the world but that's only true if you consider mountains that are above sea level there's a volcano in hawaii called mauna kea that's actually taller if you measure from its bottom at the sea floor it is 33,500 feet tall from base to peak whilemount everest measures in at a little bit more than 29000 feet when in hawaii try not to get too close to kilauea. It's one of the most active volcanoes on our planet it's been constantly erupting for over 35 years now the longest it's been inactive was around 18 years all the way back to the middle of the 20th century.

The united states china and argentina are home to the most dinosaur fossils in the world they have the most individual fossils and the widest variety of species speaking of fossils hollywood has been around making movies for more than 100 years from 1910 to be precise the wild mustang is an iconic animal and likely one of the main things that comes to your mind when you picture the old american west but mustangs are not native to the states. They were actually imported during the 16th century in 2019 farmers in the us produced over 13 and a half billion bushels of corn wow that amount could fill almost 70 million football fields.

Hey what would happen if we popped all that corn the statue of liberty was gifted to the united states by france part of its intended use originally was to be as a lighthouse it guided ships for 16 years using its torch that was visible from 24 miles away. The US  decided to send a similar gift back and gave france a smaller statue of liberty three years later. You can still see that one today it's currently in paris.

There are over fourteen thousand Mcdonald's restaurants but Montpelier Vermont is actually the only state capital that doesn't have a Mcdonald's. Mcdonald's once created broccoli that tasted of bubble gum to make a healthy option more enticing unsurprisingly it didn't work out.

The microwave was designed by an inventor named percy spencer his amazing creation was only rewarded with a two dollar bonus 29 dollars accounting for inflation the usa prints 26 million bills a day. Each note can cost up to 11 cents to produce mostly in ink and materials they go through nine tons of ink per day the paper money in the us also isn't made of paper at all. It's actually 75 cotton and 25 percent linen. In Montana there are more cows than people, humans are outnumbered, almost three to one an average american spends 4.4 years at every job. If you take an elevator to the top of Chicago's Wallis Tower during a clear day you can see up to 40 to 50 miles away which means you'll see four states Michigan, Wisconsin indiana and Illinois And Aarkansas.

Facts About USA

You're not allowed to honk your horn when in front of a sandwich shop. True this one probably tops all these strange laws in georgia it's illegal for a chicken to cross the road. Well so much for that joke, Meanwhile in connecticut you can't cross the street walking on your hands when you're in baltimore Maryland. You can't bring your lion to the movies with you. If you're tired of seeing giant billboards on the side of the road, you should go to hawaii they banned billboards in 1920.

The US is in the top ten countries in the world when it comes to biodiversity three-fourths of the world's Tornadoes happen in the US aren't we lucky. The florida everglades is the only place on the planet where crocodiles and alligators coexist. Alligators have shorter and more rounded snouts while crocodiles have long pointy snouts. When an alligator shuts its mouth you won't see its teeth but when a crocodile does it its back teeth stick up over its top lip. Frankly i don't want to get close enough to confirm that's true.

Lake superior is the world's largest freshwater lake it's so big that if you emptied it out you could cover the entire landmass of north and south america under a foot of water. Americans built the hoover dam to control floods produce hydroelectric energy and for irrigation water. It's construction used so much concrete that it could be stretched across the entire country or used to build a two-lane highway from new york city to San Francisco. Americans love pizzas so much they eat around 100 acres of it every day.

If we took water from all the rivers on earth and poured it into the grand canyon, the canyon would only be half full the entire area could hold two quadrillion gallons of water that's two with 15 zeros. The title for the fastest speaking state goes to Oregon, some scientists studied more than four million phone calls and found that oregon massachusetts and the upper midwest states have the fastest speech patterns. You can find the word Peachtree in the names of over 70 streets in Atlanta. Georgia peachtree circle, peachtree street, peachtree center avenue and so on. How peachy.

Crater lake in Oregon is the deepest lake in the US at almost 2000 feet deep the lake is technically an active volcano but it hasn't erupted recently so it's safe to swim in at certain times but boy is it cold. uh oh the power just went out again in a lot of cases in the US. THIS is caused by animals more than one thousand outages are caused by animals per year and squirrels contribute to about 10 percent of those. Yellowstone national park is more than 11 000 years old and bigger than delaware and Rhode island combined it has over ten thousand geysers hot springs mud pots and other hydrothermal features which is half of the total number you can find in the entire world just don't go swimming in them it'll you know cook you.

So Thats It for Today. IF You Find Those Hidden Fact About US Interested Then Share It With Your Friends.

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