10 Things You May Not Be Able To Do In The Space


Crying In The Space


Well it's not possible to cry in space no matter how many heart-breaking soap operas you just watched even if you try really hard to weep the tears just won't shed.

They shed because of the gravity law which works differently on a spaceship still your lacrimal grains work as usual. So if you start crying all the tears will accumulate right in your eyes. The more you cry the bigger the tear clump, gets basically you can shed only one tear from each eye but even if you don't cry it's impossible to have a normal face in space.

The Nature Call  - VS -  The Space

Nature Call

It'll be a bit puffy in brand new conditions a nature's call is a nature's call no matter where you are. There are two reasons why astronauts can't flush the toilet in space.

First water is the most precious resource on a spaceship. Second there's no running water in space. 

The potable water on a space station comes in pouches and there it stays for either number in weightlessness. There's a device with suction and disposable bags to put inside it. The storage gets changed every 10 days .also the iss is equipped with a super complicated device, that recycles and filters waste into the water the astronauts use every day.

Normal Food - A Challange

Spicy Food

A sandwich an avocado and egg toast a crispy croissant chips that's a short list of stuff you're never gonna eat in space sure thing ZERO GRAVITY  will carry all the crumbs away while you're nibbling on a chocolate chip cookie.

Those crumbs spread all over the spaceship in no time and trust me the best place they can end up is in your eyes. Otherwise they can interfere with the spaceship equipment which is something you don't want to happen.

Astronauts have a variety of meals including fruit which can be eaten in their normal form and pasta which obviously requires some boiling. Now nobody promised you an a La Carte menu on a spaceship, but you can easily cook mac and cheese, water and heating ovens are provided as well as the rest of essential gear.

Bad news, there are no fridges in space so you can't save leftovers for tomorrow

Good news,  you have a variety of condiments ketchup mayo even mustard. They're actually very important.

Remember you can't sprinkle anything in space it concerns salt and pepper too for the rest astronauts meals look very much like regular picnics with friends, Somewhere in a peaceful meadow but no campfire guys.

There's not enough oxygen for it and you can't open the windows.


The Coffee - A Bad News


One more thing you'll have to forget about when you travel to space is freshly brewed coffee to brighten up your mornings there's just no way youbcan make it. Unless you want to spend the rest of your mission covered with ground coffee beans.

Still it doesn't mean you won't enjoy coffee at all you'll just have to make do with its capsule version. That tastes pretty good plus you'll get a lovely space view. Anyway you aren't very likely to spot the difference between regular and space coffee.

Food and beverages in space taste somewhat different and many astronauts admit it all tastes so much stronger back on earth.

The Body Fluids 


One of the reasons is that body fluids move differently because of ZERO GRAVITY and instead of being where the legs are they rise up to the head blocking air passages. Also there are many strong odors in the cabin which dulls people's senses, Especially smell if you ever spend a couple of months in space.

A Shave Or A Hair Cut

Shaving kit

Hey send me a text you might want to shave cut your hair and certainly clip all your nails but in fact all the small hairs and cut nails are very much like breadcrumbs once you cut them. They start literally floating in the air and you don't want your buddy's toe-nail to end up right in your face.

Astronauts can use either a disposable razor or an electric one.

Disposable Razors


If they use disposable razors they first need to wet the skin. They squeeze a water bubble catch it and spread it all over their faces. The next step isn't much different from what they can do on earth. You just need to apply some shaving cream then the shaving starts as normal to get rid of hairs from the blade. They just clean it with a small bubble of water and a dry towel

They squeeze one more water bubble to wipe their face and voila they're clean shaven.

The Electronic Razors


Now things are a little different with electric razors, these devices have a special tool attached on top which looks like a tiny vacuum cleaner. It takes care of all the unwanted hairs once they're cut.

Astronauts clip their nails right in front of an air duct which has a suction device to trap the nails. Sure the nails bounce off while they're cutting them so yeah they gotta catch every single nail and put it down to the duct, the same air duct is responsible for refreshing the ear on board the nail clipper itself has a velcro patch on it not to lose it in ZERO G. Now you're ready to play guitar in space by the way any loose items have velcro patches to store them too.

Taking A Shower  


Now on to the harder stuff since the mid 20th century washing your body has gotten a lot easier than ever with the rise of home showers that's true. Unless you're in space forget all those fancy shower gels and body creams on a spaceship you've got nothing but a no rinse body bath pouch to use it. An astronaut should fill it with six ounces of hot water and two ounces of cold water this bag has a straw on top to squirt water bubbles out of it.

One bubble in this slightly soapy water is enough to wash your hands once you're done grab a towel and dry your hands then you can tuck it some place to let it air dry.

The good thing is that the evaporated water gets back to the station so the astronauts can reuse it if you want to take a shower instead. You spread those soapy bubbles all over your body no regular shower is possible on the spaceship. To try a space-inspired shower at home try to do that with either wet wipes or measure eight ounces of water. Grab a towel spread the water all over your body and dry it refreshing huh.

Those who have really long hair no worries all you need are a no rinse shampoo a pouch of water a comb and a towel squirt some water on your scalp and work it from the roots to the ends of the hair, then add some magic shampoo and comb the hair, add some more water if needed and dab.

The towel on your scalp to dry the excess actually the towel helps get rid of grease too sounds bizarre but the hair is squeaky clean once the astronaut's done.

Teeth Brushing - Crazy

Brushing Teeth

Brushing your teeth probably doesn't sound that challenging now with the toothbrush it soaks up the water easily by the way the toothbrush the astronauts use looks like a standard tube once you're done open the tap clean the toothbrush gotcha you can't do that. So the only thing you can actually do is swallow the tooth-paste. But there's nothing wrong with it

Astronauts say it's edible the tube is standard but the toothpaste you see in stores definitely requires rinsing don't try space-inspired toothbrushing at home. Astronauts can't sleep like people do on earth a cozy bed and dimness are inaccessible while you're on a spaceship.

People in space see 16 sunrises and sunsets a day because their orbital velocity is about 17, 500 miles per hour each sunrise and sunset lasts a few seconds.so there's not enough time to take a photo not to mention falling asleep all this messes up the sleep pattern so astronauts have to learn how to fall asleep regardless of the sun a sleep mask is a must of course. 

Another problem is ZERO GRAVITY also when we lie down relaxing our body temperature decreases which is important for a quality sleep but it's not possible in space, some astronauts attach themselves to the walls in their sleeping bags while others prefer to float.

Writing In Space Is Fun


A good old ballpoint pen is useless in space to use it ink should flow which doesn't happen if there's no gravity a simple pencil is a no-go either once you sharpen it you gotta deal with all the mess left behind. When people just started exploring space back in the 60s they would use mechanical pencils to make notes a space pen was introduced long before in 1965.

It had a cartridge pressurized with nitrogen so the ink there is pressurized toward the tip, this pen can be used literally anywhere under water in extreme subzero temperatures and even during an exam.

Bonus Fact:

If you're into baseball don't travel to space even if your spaceship is large enough chances are the ball will just float

So Looks That's Enough For Today,
Have A Good Sleep,
Just Comment What You Think About All Those Crazy And Interesting Facts.
Take Care. Bye Bye...

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