What To Do On Your First Date

Tips To Make A Great Date : 

Hey welcome to our Blog, the place to learn skills for the real world.

In today's session I'm going to help you with some tips that you need to follow in order to have a successful date. 

Yes, certain things that you are not supposed to do on your first date. Well there are lot of singles roaming about in the world and definitely competing for that first date. Now when you get one, what happens?

Well dating is more like a game. We all want to win that ultimate prize. Unfortunately that is not how the game ends. Well there are times when there is no spark, there's no attraction but there are times when you say something or do certain things that's gonna ruin your first date.

So which are these things that you need to avoid, well let's have a look. So finally you have your date tonight. That's awesome, are you excited or nervous for you first date?

Well here's the first thing that you need to avoid in your first date. Well you gotta avoid talking too much about yourself. So you are meeting that person for the first time and you definitely want to impress her or him and there you go. In order to impress that person, you just talk about yourself and that too, way too much.

Well I work here, my boss is in love with me. My friends love me. I love watching movies, I love playing golf, I love doing this, and I love doing that. Okay, period. Yes you are just talking about yourself, that's not fair. Well you need to create a balance between speaking about yourself and asking questions to the other person.

Yes, that's when you are gonna create that spark, when you will get to know that person, right? So you need to ask questions to the other person, let that person talk as well. You just can't go all about yourself. So I'm sure that would not be the end of your first date. So therefore it's important for you to avoid talking too much about yourself. 

Yeah, so what do you do? Ahaa, sure I can do that, yes. Right. What are you doing?

You need to stay off your phone when you are on your date. Well I'm sure you all love to text, to tweet, to post things on Facebook, to share pictures.

Yes, we all do that, but you not going to do that on your first date. You are not gonna be on your phone. There's a life outside that screen, you are with someone for the first time.

So make sure that you stay off your phone. So put the phone aside and focus on your date. 

The third thing, well avoid drinking way too much. You can't be drunk on your first date. It’s okay if you have one or two alcoholic beverages.

But please not more than that. Well if you are drunk, the room starts spinning and you end up getting into an ugly situation. Either you start talking rubbish or you really don't pay attention to the other person or you are so drunk that you pass out.

So what does that guy or the girl can do? Carry you and take you home. That's not fair, well it's your first date, and you are here to impress that person.

So keep drinking to the minimum, please don't get drunk.

So what's the next thing that you need to avoid on you first date? Well you need to avoid talking about your ex.

The moment you bring in your ex in your conversation, that's it you are definitely not gonna have a great date because this is a sign that you are not completely over your ex and this date of yours is merely a rebound.

So avoid conversations like me and my ex, we used to party so much. Me and my ex, we used to love eating this. No you can't do that. Avoid talking about your ex and focus on your current date, right. 

What's the next thing? Well you need to avoid talking about marriage and kids. Well on the first day, you're not even sure if you would like to share your brownie with your date. Forget about the future. 

Yeah, I mean bringing up marriage and kids, it just seems that you are rushing into the relationship and you really can't do that. That's definitely going to be your last date.

If you want your first date to be successful, please do not bring in marriage or kids. It's okay to ask general questions like talking about your family, asking about the other person's family or even just asking, so do you have any kids in your family? Or any cousins of yours? Now these are general questions and just keep it to that.

Do not bring in, talking about future, talking about marriage or talking about having kids. Avoid that please.

Now while you are on your first date, the next thing that you need to avoid is, avoid talking about controversial topics.

Yes topics like finances, politics, religion, that's a big no. Well this date would turn into an argument. It's not going to be an amazing date for you.

It’s just gonna be an awful date for you. Well talking about finances, talking about politics, well yes we all have our views. But discuss it with your friends; discuss it with your families but not on your first date.

Now general things that you can talk about or various topics that you can talk about on your first date are movies, talking about food, talking about different gadgets that you like or things that you really like to do in life.

Yes that's about it. Keep it very simple, please don't make it ugly. So make sure you avoid controversial topics.

If you are looking for a committed relationship, what's the next thing that you need to avoid?

Well you need to avoid getting sexually involved with your first date. Yes you are not here to get involved sexually with that person. You don't want your first date to end into a one night stand, right?

Well it just shows that you are way too desperate and you'll be judged for that. That's not fair, right?

So it's important for you to just have general conversations and do not have sexual conversations or show signs that you are sexually attracted to that person and definitely avoid sleeping with him or her on your very first date.

So all you singles out there, once you have your date, if you want your first date to end wonderfully, well along with your best of conversation topics, the perfect outfit, the amazing location that you select, make sure you also make a note of these things that you need to avoid mentioning or doing on your first date.

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