Top Five Secret Keys To Understand Women

Secrets to understand women

Why the heck are women so difficult, or are they?

In today I wish to decode the female perspective a bit and hopefully make it easier for us guys to understand it.

So I did a little bit of research, andtoday I'm bringing you the top FIVE things most girls wish us guys just would think we just understand.

Number one, girls love being told how you feel about them but just don't over do it don't overpower them. When you get too mushy and too needy just from the get-go, like writing a heart felt three paragraph poem about how she's the stars to your moon.

You could be 100 percent sure she's gonna be running the other way. That's why they always say nice guys end up last. Women love the thrill of the chase, which is why it's important for us as guys to flirt enough to show interest in that we are actually interested in them, but be able to walk away and hold back a bit to make her chase us. Trust me, they love that stuff.

The second thing almost every girl wants guys to understand is that they want us to make the first move.

This is funny because most guys are scared of talking to girls and making that first approach. But believe it or not, girls want you too. Almost 99.9 percent of women want you to make the first move and when you actually do that shows courage confident and interest on yourpart, and something that she's not gonna be able to resist.

On the other hand while waiting and making her make the first move might work it is TEN times harder and it's not as efficient.

The third thing most women want guys to understand is that they want you to be well groomed. Now most girls won't probably ever say this to your face, that you're a slob and you need to fix yourself, That's kind of the equivalent of a guy telling a girl, "you're eating too much." But deep down all girls want is a clean,guy not a slob, they want to be dating a George Clooney not a Jack Black.

So here's my personal check list that I run down to make sure my grooming is A1.

One, my hair is well groomed and combed Two, my beard is tidy and well-kept. Number three, my unibrow is in check and trimmed up. Four, my nails aren't dirty and they're kept short. And finally number five, my clothes are wrinkle free and lint free.

I recommend all guys to have a proper grooming kit, for emergencies, to make sure your grooming is on point.

The fourth thing girls want guys to understand is that they over think the smallest things, and you need to understand that. When you're texting a girl, when you're talking to her, anything you say could be triggering her or taking her off-guard thinking that you you meant something else.

You could be chilly and just say "okay" and all of a sudden she thinks you're mad at her because you sent her a short text. Keep in mind that women are wired differently than guys, so things that we think are okay might not be okay in their eyes and they might perceive it differently.

So all they want us guys to understand is that perspective, be a little bit more considerate.

Another one is you could be you know roaming on Instagram you see a picture of a girl you hit "like" it was aesthetic, you thought it was nice, in her head she's like "what is it?! Is he cheating on me?" Yeah, I know sucks, but you got an understand it.

And finally number five, kind of talking along to that, one girls just want to be understood. Here's my little trick when it comes to women, just listen. I know, I know that seems simple, but actually pay attention to them to what they're saying for alittle bit. I know sometimes they talk a lot, but if you actually listen and don't make sure make sure your heads not roaming somewhere, you're thinking of other things, you're paying attention, you're gonna make your happy, that's all women want.

As long as you're listening to women, you won't be confusing her because like I said things that bother her might not bother us guys, we're wired differently.

But if you listen, you'll be ahead of the curve. That's how I save myself from fighting all the time with my girl, it works.

And that's basically it guys, those are five things girls wish us guys would understand. If you guys liked this article and found that informative don't forget to drop us a like down below. Also, don't forget to check out our other articles, That's it for me today, see you next time!

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