Health And Hygiene Tips For Teenage Girls


today I'm writing an article and it is health and hygiene tips for teenage girls and I think this will be helpful for just young girls in general and especially since most people are back to school not almost everybody I think so this will also be good tips for that so just keep Reading

Let's get started 

First tip would be : to shower daily or at least every other day and I'm pretty sure this is a given but you want take a shower because you want to get all the grossest and germs from the day off of you.

So especially clean areas like your feet and like your armpits and everything so yeah I definitely take a shower pretty much every day to stay clean and make sure you don't smell.

Next tip would be to brush your teeth daily also and you want to do it at least twice a day and most people do it once in the morning once at night think everybody knows that and it's good if you can do it after every meal but I know that isn't really practical since if you're at school.

You can't brush your teeth after lunch that would be really weird so yeah and it's good to floss too but say if you don't do that every day it's not that big a deal and you especially want to brush your teeth if you have braces like I do.

Because you want to get in between the wire and your teeth and everything 

because they tend to get more dirty than your normal teeth.

The next one would be : to wash your face daily also that's good to do twice a day also because it will get rid of any buildup on your face and it will prevent you from getting blackheads and pimples breakouts.

So you don't want those actually if you're a teenager and you get them the most at that age.

So yeah I use Olay foaming face wash daily and this is a really gentle cleanser and you can use it every day I like this one a lot and then also I use Neutrogena oil-free acne wash and this one is an exfoliant I would not recommend using this every day even though it says daily scrub.

I do it maybe every other day every couple days but it is good to clean your face extra and get down deep into your pores so then you want some do for your beedo and I don't know if you know what I'm talking about.

But I'm talking about deodorant and you're going to want to wear a deodorant

especially if you're going to school.

Because during the day you do sweat usually and that is not good you do not want to smell bad and scare away all the people at school so wear some deodorant even packs them with you if you have gym class because you might want to put it on after and so I would recommend if you're just starting.

I started off with this teen spirit type when I was younger and it has just a really girly scent I like this a lot I don't use this anymore but I'd recommend it if you're like 13 around there I use now is a lady speed stick the stain guard type and it's in the scent daringly fresh and I really like this one it has 24-hour protection and it's really supposed to make sure that you don't stay in your shirts whether you're wearing like a black top or yellow top so it's good and then also if you don't like scented deodorants.

I would recommend secret PLT unscented one so yeah that is that for deodorant you'll want to wear some.

So you don't stink and then also you might want to use just a perfume or body mist just to keep you smelling extra good and I wouldn't use too much because use too much and you're gonna smell really strong so just like 1 square 2 square roots or something.

I will sometimes bring a small body mist to school with me and put in my gym bag just so that afterwards after gym you can just spray it all over yourself and just smell good for the rest of the day and the only thing about that is you want to be careful, because I know when my gym class that a lot of times when you bring these in everybody wants to use yours so you will probably run out really quickly but another thing would be to wash your hair frequently, because if your teenager you tend to get greasy oily hair after a few days.

So I would just say to either use like oil-free hair style products or just to use cleansing shampoo and conditioner any type of conditioner and just was 

your hair daily to keep the clean.

Next tip would be : hair removal and so if you are at that age you'll want to start shaving your legs and your armpits especially if you're wearing a tank top or shorts so you have a razor I use the intuition razor you don't have to use this type obviously but it has the disposable top to it and it has this outer rim of soap and typically that would be you want to make sure that you don't use a dull razor blade so you want to get new ones every so often and with this one you can tell if it's getting old, you know you should throw it away and also you want to switch out your blade because you will get cuts and you'll get like razor bumps if you don't switch it out when it gets dull, so that's another tip.

And when you're shaving a tip would be that say if your hair is growing downwards you're going to go the opposite way so say if this my leg like this you want to shave upwards so that's just a tip about that.

And you don't have to use all the time a shaving cream a lot of people like to use shaving creams I personally just use regular body wash soap so depends on what you prefer.

You probably try out both and whatever you like just pick that but you need some type of soap or something to lather up your legs.

So that you don't get cuts or anything on your legs you can shave while you're either in the shower or in the tub but you want make sure that you have water on you legs and you kind of soaked your legs a little bit just so that it's easier to shave.

Another thing that I think is pretty self-explanatory is to change your clothes every day.

I wouldn't understand why somebody wouldn't do this but you want to change your underwear and your t-shirts everything that you're wearing the day before and put on something new.

Because if you sweat or smells do absorb into your clothes and you would smell bad if you wear the same outfit over and over so just wear clean clothes every day.

Next on to your period and that's sometimes an awkward topic for people I don't have a problem talking about it but if you have your either pocket in your backpack or just bring a little container and put some pads or tampons in your school bag just because you don't want to get your period during school or something and not have anything, because it sucks to have to go to the nurse and ask for tampons really awkward so would just recommend doing that and so yeah that's pretty much all the tips I can think of.

I hope you guys found this helpful leave a comment down below and I'll see you next article bye guys..

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